1. Learning as doing – practice ↑


    1. Learning as becoming – identity ↑


    1. Learning as experience – meaning ↑


    1. One ’ s identity is lived day-to-day ↑


    1. communities of practice ↑


    1. Akkerman, S.F. and Bakker, A.↑


    1. Bakhtin ↑


    1. Owen ↑


    1. heteroglossia ↑


    1. ideological becoming ↑


    1. Authoring of self ↑


    1. polyphony ↑


    1. Toward a Philosophy of the Act ↑


    1. Gee ↑


    1. Coulter ↑


    1. assimilation ↑


    1. reciting by heart ↑


    1. retelling in one’s own words ↑


    1. authoritative discourse ↑


    1. unconditional allegiance ↑


    1. Morson, G. & Emerson, C. ↑


    1. possible alternative ↑


    1. double-voiced ↑


    1. internally persuasive discourse ↑


    1. ideological becoming ↑


    1. Authoring of self ↑


    1. Britzman, D. ↑


    1. Karl Heider ↑


    1. What Do People Do? Dani Auto-Ethnography ↑


    1. Van Maanen ↑


    1. Tales of the Field ↑


    1. Representation in Ethnography ↑


    1. crisis of representation ↑


    1. Denzin and Lincoln ↑


    1. fourth moment ↑


    1. Hurston ↑


    1. Goodall ↑


    1. Phillip Lopate ↑


    1. Wolfe ↑


    1. Harrington ↑


    1. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography ↑


    1. DeLysa Burnier ↑


    1. Larry Russell ↑


    1. Patricia Geist-Martin ↑


    1. Denzin& Lincoln ↑


    1. outcom ↑


    1. expressive ↑


    1. Bogdan ↑


    1. Richardson ↑


    1. reflexivity ↑


    1. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography ↑


    1. analytic autoethngraphy ↑


    1. Nick Trujillo ↑


    1. Tami Spry ↑


    1. Best ↑


    1. performative ↑


    1. Ellis & Bochner ↑


    1. Muncey ↑


    1. Dyson ↑


    1. Richardson ↑


    1. Case literature ↑


    1. case law ↑


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